Thought 2020 Was All Bad? Think Again!
It started with Parris mouthing out Ariana Grande's Trouble and little by little there were costumes, props...

I Did What In The Last Ten Years!?
This was the year I pushed myself to my limit! I took on far too much, went at 110mph all year and was pretty much broken by the end...

Bruges, Lille, London and Life. Part 2.
Now one thing I love about running the Twin Peaks UK Festival is the relationships I have with the fans, or Peakies as I call them, from all

Bruges, Lille, London and Life. Part 1.
The last six weeks or so have been a heady mix ranging from relaxation and time being spent with friends to crazy productiveness...

Books and Fests and Tours, oh my!
The last two weeks have been a real milestone. I had a book published both here and in the States, I was a guest on the BBC Radio 2 Arts Sho

Damn Fine Cherry Pie - The Journey!
Anyone who has been to the Twin Peaks UK Festival knows what a stickler I am for detail and how I won't rest until something is perfect,