Thought 2020 Was All Bad? Think Again!
It started with Parris mouthing out Ariana Grande's Trouble and little by little there were costumes, props...

I Did What In The Last Ten Years!?
This was the year I pushed myself to my limit! I took on far too much, went at 110mph all year and was pretty much broken by the end...

Why 2018 Wasn't All Bad.
For some, 2019 couldn't come quick enough. Brexit, Trump, hate crime (which is arguably attributed to the Brexit and Trump craziness), f

A Fine British Tradition!
This got me thinking to us Brits in general and how we love our traditions. Lots of them, for every occasion, and the more eclectic, the bet

What Will You Be Thinking Of?
So what would happen if I had to flee for my life?
If I had to leave my home, with all my memories and the journey of my life to date insi

My name is Lindsey, and I am an addict.
Tomorrow, I turn 42 years old. And, at 42 years old I think it's time to admit something that I've been ashamed to admit my whole life. I...

The Beautiful Backstage
A few days ago I trotted along with my pals Sally and Chris to watch the musical 'Beautiful' at the Aldwych Theatre. If you're n

Chocolate Wishes and Christmas Kisses...
If there's one time of year where we can all step off the scales and indulge, it's Christmas! Out the window go counting calories, e

Books and Fests and Tours, oh my!
The last two weeks have been a real milestone. I had a book published both here and in the States, I was a guest on the BBC Radio 2 Arts Sho

Damn Fine Cherry Pie - The Journey!
Anyone who has been to the Twin Peaks UK Festival knows what a stickler I am for detail and how I won't rest until something is perfect,