Conversations...with writer, Michael J. Feldman
My first writing job was on The Inbetweeners (US version), which I booked after the head writer saw my fairy tale show.
Conversations...with actor, Patrick Bristow.
I owe a great deal to Peter on Ellen because he was such an optimistic and good person. I loved that back in that time,
Los Angeles '19 Part 3: Long journeys, Locations and a Log!
I had been in Los Angeles for just over 1 week and already had several crazy adventures and torn a ligament! But now it was time to leave th
Los Angeles '19 Part 2: Studios, Stars and Sunglasses!
Clearly 'Friends' is still a big winner for Warner Bros as there is a Central Perk cafe at the end of the tour as well as the Centra
Los Angeles '19 Part 1. - Ligaments, Legacies & Lynch.
Since 2012 I have visited Los Angeles regularly. I love the people, the positivity, the laid back vibe and of course the sunshine. I tend to
The Universal Studios Backlot - A Creatives Paradise!
There are things to spot everywhere but one of the real highlights for me was the Bates Motel from 'Psycho' (Hitchcock fan remember!
Universal Studios & The Playful Professionals
Two of the highlights of the theme park for me were the 'Transformers' ride and 'Jurassic Park'. First we hit the 'Trans
The Real La La Land - Day 8
I had some time before needing to be at LAX so I took a Lyft over to The Grove and spent time walking around and just absorbing the atmosphe
The Real La La Land - Day 7
This was the first time I had seen Kimmy and Ian together (having played against each other in 'Twin Peaks'), and their hilarious ch
The Real La La Land - Day 6
Ian and I headed off into the night and made our way to Santa Monica Blvd and more specifically PUMP! Now, this may sound like an energetic