Los Angeles '19 Part 1. - Ligaments, Legacies & Lynch.
Since 2012 I have visited Los Angeles regularly. I love the people, the positivity, the laid back vibe and of course the sunshine. I tend to
That Was The Twin Peaks UK Festival 2017...Part 4
We laughed, we asked questions and when the
conversation came to end the Q&A, well the only way I can describe the atmosphere created b
That Was The Twin Peaks UK Festival 2017...Part 3
One of the highlights of the Saturday was The Call of the Owl - a live Owl show! We contacted The English School of Falconry and explained w
That was the Twin Peaks UK Festival 2017...Part 1
This year was always going to be a special one. After 25 years, 'Twin Peaks' was making a hugely welcome return to the world complet
Books and Fests and Tours, oh my!
The last two weeks have been a real milestone. I had a book published both here and in the States, I was a guest on the BBC Radio 2 Arts Sho
Damn Fine Cherry Pie - The Journey!
Anyone who has been to the Twin Peaks UK Festival knows what a stickler I am for detail and how I won't rest until something is perfect,