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That Was The Twin Peaks UK Festival 2017...Part 4

Sunday 7am and Claire and I were back on the road again hurtling towards the venue, ready ready to do the final prep for Day Two of the Twin Peaks UK Festival. Abi was already on site on donut patrol and when we arrived there she was, wheeling 1000 more donuts into the venue!

Big Bus

The doors were opening slightly later as we thought it only fair to give everyone a chance to have a bit of a lie in - except for the Blue Diamonds. As part of their ticket price they were being taken on a tour around London to see the filming and real life locations of 'The Elephant Man'! This is something we have never done before and couldn't have been achieved without the help of my good friend, tour guide Phil Harris and the company I used to work for many moons ago, Big Bus Tours.

So at 9am the Blue Diamonds, along with Sabrina Sutherland and Damion Champe set off from Hornsey Town Hall Arts Centre, into London on their jolly adventure, and we didn't see them for nearly 4 hours!

So with the Blue Diamonds safely on their way it was time to welcome everyone else for their Sunday 'Twin Peaks' festivities. We had said goodbye to the Saturday only ticket holders and were now welcoming the Sunday only ticket holders! So in the main hall everyone settled down for a perfect Sunday morning watching 'The Elephant Man' while Regular ticket holders started their Sunday signing session upstairs in the Great Northern.

As today was slightly less manic than Saturday, I took a moment to hang out in the Great Northern and watch everyone getting their signings. It's always such a treat to see the Peakies getting to meet people they have admired for years and our guests took time to chat and engage with the fans. As we were approaching lunchtime Karen and I decided to break the signings so our guests could eat.

I should mention at this point the fabulous human that is Annie Nichols. Annie is a chef, recipe developer and food stylist. She is the woman I worked closely with on my 'Twin Peaks' inspired cookbook 'Damn Fine Cherry Pie', and so when I needed a specialist to come in and cater for our 'Twin Peaks' guests, she was the only person I could think of to look after them to perfection, which she did, catering to everyones dietary requirements and blending in with the team with ease. I do adore this woman, and it felt strangely comforting to have her there!


While all of this was going on, I headed down to the Roadhouse to see how things were going in there. This was the first year we had live bands both days in the Roadhouse and it worked great. Again, it allowed the Peakies to be able to add another element to their festival and we very lucky in the bands that joined us; Aloha Dead, The No Sorrows, Polyanna Valentine, The Hey-La's, Bridport Dagger, The Lynch Mob and all the way from Seattle, Prom Queen. Big thanks to Tom Huddleston and The Double R Club for their brilliant Roadhouse programming.

And then of course it was time for the big event - the Sunday evening Q&A with all our Twin

Peaks guests. We conducted the hilarious costume contest just before and paraded the fans along the front of the stage in all their cosplay glory, and once Adriano had been announced the winner, I introduced our long standing Q&A host, Tom Huddleston who, one by one, introduced our guests to the stage. And what a marvellous line up they were. For the next couple of hours we listened to each of them regale stories of working on 'Twin Peaks: The Return' and also the original show. We laughed, we asked questions and when the

conversation came to end the Q&A, well the only way I can describe the atmosphere created by the applause for our guests was electric. There was a genuine affection and appreciation not only from the audience for our guests but also from the guests towards the audience. Something special had happened in that room.

And so those who wanted to stayed in the Town Hall to watch 'Fire Walk With Me' a firm festival favourite, and why not considering what a masterpiece the film is, and those who wanted something a bit more raucous headed down to the Roadhouse for Twingo. Over the years Twingo has become something of a legend in itself. A creation of The Double R Club, Twingo is basically 'Twin Peaks' Bingo. But it's something more than that. It's a competition, it's a fight, it gets loud, it gets violent, it scares the crap out of me. In fact I took two steps down to the Roadhouse, heard the crowd in their mass hysteria and swiftly ran back upstairs again.

Bang Bang Bar

After Twingo, the crowd were given a real treat! DJ Yoda, lifetime 'Twin Peaks' fan and popular HipHop DJ and Producer, played a set for the crowd! DJ Yoda is know for this mashups of TV and Film music and knows how to get a party started. He has worked with Dr Dre and Banksy and is internationally respected for his turntable genius! We were very touched that he chose to play at our festival! And so the Sunday came to a close with David Lynch Disco, a great way to end a weekend of damn fine Peaky perfection!

Our guests had been taken back to their hotel for some well earned rest, the merchandise was being packed away, and as the fans started to leave the venue I felt a pang a sadness. Although I did not stop running around, did not really sleep and barely ate, I enjoyed this festival from beginning to end. And I mean literally the beginning, from the planning stages to the development to the delivery, this year was just....special. And I have to thank our wonderful 'Twin Peaks' guests for that, I have to thank our brilliant venue for that, I have to thank my incredible team for that, and I have to thank you, the wonderful Peakies for that. This festival is yours, this world of 'Twin Peaks' is yours and without you these festivals and this world....well, it wouldn't be there really would it!

And so, with a donut in my hand I bid you a fond farewell until we meet again!

I'll see you in the trees......

Lins x

PS - I finally got to get my 'Twin Peaks' tattoo done - thanks to the brilliant Lain Freefall who joined us again for the whole weekend, inking everyone in sight!

Photos - Soulstealer - Sin Bozkurt - Emilie DeClerck

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